We have democracy and we are not afraid to use it
Competences for Democratic Culture – a Tool for an Open Society II
History, Society and Culture of the 20th Century in the Digital Sources of MKC Prague Library
Stories of people who were forced to leave
Pupils' participation in the decision-making process
Competences for democratic culture
SIRIUS: Skills and Integration of Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers in European Labour Market
Civic Intercultural Education - Active Citizenship and Cultural Tolerance
Democracy on the Brink. Historical lessons from the late 1930´s
Cities and strategies of inclusion
Towards shared interests between migrant and local workers
Interactive programs in the public sphere held by foreigners living in Prague
Protecting Mobility through Improving Labour Rights Enforcement in Europe (PROMO)
Towards stronger transnational labour inspection cooperation (STRONGLAB)
Increasing Respect and Tolerance through Intercultural Education and Experience
„Terrified citizens” and refugees in the Czech Republic and Germany: challenge for teachers
Mezinárodní pracovní migrace mezi rovností a nerovností
Not in our Countries? Refugees, Asylum and Fundamental Rights Education in Youth work
BRICkS – Building Respect on the Internet by Combating Hate Speech
Prevention of Xenophobia and Support of Civil Society in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The System of Immigrant Work Controls in the Czech Republic: Inspiration needed
MIPEX III (The Migrant Integration Policy Index)
Promoting Sustainable Policies for Integration (PROSINT)
RACE in Europe (Response against Criminal Exploitation)
Foreign workers in the labour market
Integration of Labour Migrants in the Czech Republic: Reinforcing the role of the Czech towns
Multicultural Europe in the Media
Visawatch - what is the situation on Czech consulates and embassies?
Regularization as One of the Tools for the Fight against Irregular Migration
Quality Integration through Quality Information
Czech Made? Against Double Standards and Exploitation of Migrants in the Czech Labour Market