
The website for critical discussion about migration in Central and Eastern Europe.

Foreign workers in the labour market

The project focuses on the opening of a public debate and the resolution of the taboo topic of occupational safety of foreigners (job-related injuries, occupational diseases), as well as the reinforcement of equal rights for foreigners at the labour market, by developing international cooperation in this area via a thematic network.

Another aim is the improvement of structural tools leading towards better protection of foreign workers. The project finds inspiration abroad, with our partners in the United Kingdom and Germany, where they have experience with illegal employment of foreign workers, but they can also appreciate Czech input.

Therefore, Czech non-profit organisations have joined forces with foreign partners and they hope to create a functional thematic network. Via this network they would like to address and include key players and experts from the Czech Republic as well as other EU countries, in an effort to improve the condition of foreigners in the labour market. For this reason, a partnership has been created with the German Caritasverband für die Diezöse Osnabrück and the British Anti-Slavery International, respected organisations with ample experience concerning foreign employment and occupational safety of foreigners.

Occupational safety of foreigners is a relatively neglected topic in the Czech Republic; therefore it will be presented to the public through a specialised publication, case studies from fieldwork, an Internet platform, or a handbook for foreigners and helping professions. Public debates, international internships, seminars and international conferences will be just as important. The partnered organisations hope to create space suitable for social discussion of equal rights for foreigners. The results of this joint initiative of the non-profit sector will be made available to state administration, politicians, unions and other entities that can influence Czech legislation and migration policy. Another part of the project will be the promotion of foreigners’ individual rights in the labour market with the help of experience gain abroad. A special emphasis will be placed on female foreigners, who face conditions even worse than men.


Duration of the project: 10/2012 – 9/2014

This project is supported by the European Social Fund in the Czech Republic via the OP LZZ program.

Project outputs:

Employees Beyond Borders - comparative report

30. 9. 14
The report summarizes the main results of in-depth research on the impact of the Directive 2009/52/EC (providing for minimum standards on sanctions and measures against employers of illegally staying third-country nationals) in Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Hungary.
Migration and the EU Labour Migrationresearch reports and studies

Summary of the conference Foreign workers in the labour market

The international conference held on September, 16th 2014, at the Goethe Institute in Prague and organized by the Association for Integration and Migration, the Organization for Aid to Refugees, and Multicultural Centre Prague, was the culmination of a two-year project with the same name: Foreign workers in the labour market. The conference focused on the contemporary challenges as well as proven ...
Migration and the EU Labour MigrationEU Germany Czech Republic

Publication Foreign workers in the labour market in the Czech Republic and in selected EU countries - a comparative study

The quite comprehensive publication Foreign workers in the labour market in the Czech Republic and in selected EU countries - a comparative study posed a seemingly simple question while examining the migration policies of the Czech Republic, Austria, Germany and Great Britain. Namely, what should the migration policy, that takes into account the actual needs of the labour market while ensuring fai...
Migration and the EU Labour MigrationGermany Czech Republicresearch reports and studies

Temporary agency work in the electronics sector

26. 9. 14

Discriminatory practices against agency workers - methodology, legislation, recommendations, and case studies from Mexico, Thailand, Philippines and India.

This study is written by SOMO, an independent, not for profit research and network organisation that promotes sustainable and fair global economic development and the elimination of the structural causes of poverty, environmental p...

Labour Migrationresearch reports and studies

Trafficking for Forced Criminal Activities and Begging in Europe

26. 9. 14
Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of forced criminal exploitation is an increasingly significant phenomenon in the European Union. Adults and children are trafficked and forced to commit crimes such as cannabis cultivation, ATM theft and benefit fraud or forced to beg. In recognition of its increasing incidence and reports by frontline professionals, EU Directive (Migration and the EU Labour MigrationEU Czech Republicresearch reports and studies

We need more awareness of trafficking for forced criminality: an interview with Vicky Brotherton

This interview with Vicky Brotherton from Antislavery International draws attention to recent research on trafficking for forced criminal exploitation and forced begging in Europe. The interview explores the role of the UK and other EU member states in regards to anti-trafficking policy. Additiona...

Migration and the EU Labour MigrationEU Czech Republicinterviews

Paying a high price for cheap meat: Working Conditions of Migrants in the Meat Industry

The article deals with issues related to the meat industry from two angles. The first is a survey of the working conditions during the slaughter of livestock and disassembly of carcasses; the second is an overview of working conditions in the plants where the meat is subsequently processed and prepared for delivery to supermarket chains. Another aim of the article is to point out the situation of...
Migration and the EU Labour MigrationRomania Germanyarticles

An interview with Portuguese migrant trade unionist, Manuel Correia

“As long as you are going to prevent migrants from entering the labour market, you are not going to be able to guarantee decent working conditions.”
Labour Migrationinterviews

Free Movement of Workers in the European Union in the Context of the Amended Directive on the Posting of Workers

The subject of the article is migration within the European Union and the current problems associated with this migration. A summary of the situation in the countries which are the most important sources of EU migration is followed by a reflection on the form of the new Posting of Workers Enforcement Directive. The author draws also on the output and related materials of the German Trade Union Fed...
Migration and the EU Labour MigrationRomania Bulgaria Germany Polandarticles

International conference: Foreign Workers on The Labour Market

2. 9. 14
Association for Integration and Migration, Organization for Aid to Refugees and Multicultural Centre Prague cordially invite you to the international conference:  FOREIGN WORKERS ON THE LABOUR MARKET. Date: Tuesday 16th September 2014, 9am – 3pm. Address: Goethe Institute, Masarykovo nábřeží 32, Prague 1
Labour MigrationCzech Republic
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