Integration of Labour Migrants in the Czech Republic: Reinforcing the role of the Czech towns
Objectives of the Project:
- The project aims to empower the role of the Czech cities in the area of integration of migrants in the Czech labour market
- The core of the project lies in education of the Czech local infrastructures and state emplyees and their mobilization with respect toa dissatisfactory situation of labour migrants in the Czech Republic
Specific objectives of the project are:
- To share experience in regards to local integration policies between European and Czech cities
- Mutual learning between the Czech and other European cities (Berlin, Dresden, Brussels) and promotion of best practisess in regarding local integration policies
- To build a network in support of migrants's integration and promoting cooperation between Prague and other European cities
- To foster efficient communication and co-operation between local infrastructure and economically active foreigners in these cities
- To support migrants' orientation in the Czech Republic's labour market
- To increrase the qualification of local and state administration in the field of migrants' integration in the labour market
Activies of the project:
- Research between the foreign employees and their employers in Czech republic about the current practise in employment of foreigners
- Simulation workshops for office servants from Prague city districts, Prague City Hall and regional authorities in cooperation with our German partner organisation (Humanity in Action)
- Integration workshops for office servants of local governments, municipalities and the state administration from regions
- Integration workshops for office servants from Prague city districts, Prague City Hall and regional authorities in cooperation with our German partner organisation (Bertelsmann Stiftung)
- Study visit of Czech office servants and representatives from the local governments and municipalites in Berlin, Brussels and Dresden focused on getting in touch with successful local projects for integration of citizens on the labour market
- Creation fo help-desk for employees from local and state administration focused on the integration of foreigners
- Creation of the template of integration manual for Czech cities
As an additional value of the project we see the capacity to prevent negative social effects related to unemployment and insufficient integration of foreigners.
Our project partners: CBAI (Centre Bruxellois d´Action Interculturelle asbl), Humanity in Action Deutchland e.V., Landeshauptstadt Dresden, Integrations- und Ausländerbeauftragte a Rejs e.V..
Duration of the project: May 2012 - April 2015
Project coordinator:
Jan Dítko
Phone +420 296 325 346
This project, CZ.1.04/5.1.01/77.00030, is supported by the European Social Fund in the Czech Republic via the OP LZZ program.