
The website for critical discussion about migration in Central and Eastern Europe.

„Terrified citizens” and refugees in the Czech Republic and Germany: challenge for teachers

The main aim of this project is to support teachers in the Czech Republic and Germany, who have to deal with actual social issues in the field of migration and refugees or hatred and the growing number of attacks against migrants and refugees.

This topic is connected to many important political, social and cultural issues in both countries. Who belongs to the local community and who doesn´t? Where is difference between „us“ versus „them”? We should warn of the danger the authoritarian character of politics poses and highlight our responsibility and solidarity with people in need in other parts of the world. We assume that the only suitable reactions to these topics is a necessary debate, first and foremost about the causes of this phenomena (for ex. if it is a racist reaction against refugees). That´s why the first part of this project focuses   more or less on theoretical discussions in the Czech-German context and also  searches for differences and similarities in specific examples. Gathered information will be used for the creation and realization of educational programs at school and in non-formal education.

Duration: 7/2016 – 5/2017

Donor: Czech-German Future Fund

Partners: Nadace Brücke/Most, Arbeitskreis deutscher Bildungsstätten

Project coordinator: Zuzana Schreiberová, zuzana.schreiberova@mkc.cz

The project is realized with the support of the Czech-German future Fund

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