
The website for critical discussion about migration in Central and Eastern Europe.

Together against xenophobia

The educational project of Multicultural Centre Prague and Nansen Dijalog Centar Mostar aims on empowerment of young people and supporting them in getting active in their environment/community and on support of partnership and know-how exchange in the field of multicultural and integrated education between the Czech Republic and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina grows up in a difficult enviroment, that supports ethnonationalism and doesn´t support critical and independent  thinking. The possibilities how to be heard are limited – and naturally the young people do react with apathy and lack of interest in their environment and politics in general. They are fed up with the legacy of war, they don´t want ethnical, religious or geographical labelling, they wish for a safe, economically stable society where everyone is treated the same. The schooling system doesn´t support to the stable and democractic society either – it has a segreggative nature and the schools are divided on ethnical basis. In the canton where the project is situated, most common schools are monoethnical schools and ´two schools under one roof´.  

The project Together against Xenophobia reacts on this situation by empowering youth to get active in their community with their own small-scale projects. Thus, they got not only basics of project management, leadership, teamwork, but also the empowerment that their voice counts.

The duration: January 2016 – December 2016 (formar project 2014)  

Project coordinator: Lucie Bilderová
E-mail: lucie.bilderova@mkc.cz

Methodological Book for Teachers of Last Grades of Primary School and Secondary Schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina can be downloaded here.

The project is run by Multicultural Centre Prague in collaboration with Nansen Dijalog Centar Mostar (http://www.nansen-dialogue.net/ndcmostar/) and it is supported by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic in the framework of Transition Promotion Programme.

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