Patterns of Labour Rights Violations in 5 EU countries: Hearings with Migrant Workers and Policy Makers

As part of the “Testing EU Citizenship as Labour Citizenship: From Cases of Labour Rights Violations to a Strengthened Labour-Rights Regime” project co-funded by the European Union under the Europe for All Citizens Programme, five partner countries including Czech Republic, Romania, Italy, Lithuania and Germany, have held a second round of Hearings involving policy makers, state representatives, migrant workers, and other stakeholders.
The second round of mostly-public hearings comes as a continuation of the first set, and aimed to push forward the identified cases and issues of labour rights violations with associated local stakeholders, using expert help and input. After identifying some of the key gaps between workers’ experiences of exploitation and their rights under local and EU law, especially with regards to mobility, the second hearings pushed for a deeper understanding of such abuses as systemic, and envisioned possible solutions and recommendations.
The partners’ next steps are to discuss labour citizenship and mobility on the EU level, and bring forward the cases, findings, and recommendation to EU-level stakeholders in a final conference in Brussels to take place in early April.
- Czech Republic
Partner: MKC, Czech Republic
Location: Public Defender of Rights Office (Ombudsman), Brno
Date: November 27 and 28
- Lithuania
Partner: Diversity Development Group
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Date: 29 and 30.10.2015 - Italy
Partner: University of Padua
Location: Padua
Date: 23 and 24 of October 2015
- Germany
Partner: Polish Social Council, Germany
Location: Europäisches Informationszentrum, Berlin
Date: 4 and 5 December, 2015 - Romania
Partner: CONECT Association, Romania
Location: The Czech Center, Bucharest, Romania
Date: 11 and 12 December, 2015.

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