Czech Republic: The role of trade unions in the protection of rights of migrant workers: limits and perspectives

Partner: Multicultural Center Prague
Location: Trade Union Main Bulding
Date: 23 May 2016
Number of Participants: 30
The Association for Integration and Migration, together with the Multicultural Center Prague, published a policy paper entitled „The role of trade unions in the protection of rights of migrant workers: limits and perspectives“, which was authored by the head of the Multicultural Center, Marek Čaněk, Ph.D., and the political theorist from the Department of gender studies of the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Ľubica Kobová, Ph.D.
It was presented at a round table which took place on Monday May 23rd 2016 at the House of Trade Unions. Among those present were representatives of the trade unions, non-governmental organizations which work with migrants, as well as the migrant workers themselves.
It contains the description of a number of obstacles which foreign workers face in the Czech labour market, and at the same time it provides a set of recommendations, not exclusively for the trade unions. The current practice has shown that the representation of foreign workers in trade unions is relatively low. A higher inclusion of foreign workers into trade unions will enable a decrease in the currently practiced social dumping, as the employers will not be able to abuse their vulnerable position. Therefore, the cooperation of non-governmental organizations and trade unions is desired together with the use of tools of the governmental integration policy to increase awareness about the role of the trade unions and the importance of becoming a member of trade unions.
More about the round table here.
More about the LABCIT project here.
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