
The website for critical discussion about migration in Central and Eastern Europe.

Migration to the Centre

The international project Migration to the Centre examines how acquis communautaire and other EU instruments influence migration and integration policies and practice in the V4 region (CZ, SK, PL, HU, SL). It brings international comparisons to the situation in each country, promotes cooperation and networking between experts and stakeholders and provides space for migrants´ voice. The project aims to raise awareness and build capacities for participation on the EU policies of migration and integration and their implementation.

The project is covering following topics that are considered crucial within the migration and integration process:

  • Work and the residence permits
  • Family reunification
  • Study / training in EU

The project aims to create an active network of Central European partners focused on migration and integration, to draw attention of policy makers, experts and wider public to similarities and differences in the implementation of EU migration legislation and contribute to the cultivation of the migration debate and create conditions for inclusion of migrants to the debate.

Project partners:

Duration of the project: 9/2012 - 2/2014

Project coordinator:
Alexandra Dubová
Telefon: +420 296 325 346
E-mail: alexandra.dubova@mkc.cz

The project has been generously supported by the European Commission The "Europe for citizens" programme.

Project outputs:

Migrants’ Rights in the Labour Market – Is There a Chance for Improvement?

The present article summarizes the public debate on a highly discussed topic – the issue of employment of migrants and their rights on the labour market in the Czech Republic. The debate was undertaken as part of the project Migration to the Centre. Its general conclusion is that foreigner workers are seen as source of cheap labour and although by law they are granted equal rights as Czech citiz...
Work and residence permitsCzech Republic

How to dissolve a migrants marriage? We can´t get divorce in the Czech Republic

Ksana Vakchrusheva has made a report demonstrating how difficult it may be to dissolve a marriage. She had married her husband before she left for the Czech Republic. Unfortunately, after some time their relationship went wrong and failed. However, it is extremely difficult to dissolve a marriage that you enter into in Russia. Read the transcript of the report to learn more.
Family reunification Czech Republic

Marrying a husband with an EU green card

Coming to Slovenia as a Serbian citizen was not an easy task. It took a lot of time and patience to deal with all the administration and paperwork. It also pulled quite some money out of my empty student pockets. Last but not least it changed my perception of marriage too.
Family reunification Czech Republic

Your passport decides about your expertise

Over the last years the Czech Republic became a favourable place for business. More and more foreign companies move their production to the Czech Republic or outsource their services. This changes the structure of the labour market and the requirements on workers. Also more and more people from different countries see the possibility to perform their profession in the Czech Republic. They want to ...
Work and residence permitsarticles

PUBLIC DEBATE: Work and employment of migrants in times of crisis

22. 3. 13
This video is an edited record of the public debate “Work and employment of migrants in times of crisis” which took place on 18 March 2013 in Ljubljana. This public event was organized by the Peace Institute (Ljubljana) and was focused on conditions of work and employment for migrants in Slovenia. In times of economic crisis and governmental austerity measures, migrant workers can hardly find ...
Work and residence permits Labour MigrationSlovenia

PUBLIC DEBATE: Migrants’ rights on the labour market in the deadlock?

15. 3. 13
This video is an edited record of the public debate organized on 12 March 2013 by the Multicultural Center Prague entitled “The migrants’ rights on the labour market in the deadlock?”. The public debate focused on the difficulties the migrant workers face on the Czech labour market, including but limited to the problem of non-payment of wages and harsh conditions at work.
Work and residence permitsCzech Republic

Migrant Workers from the Former Yugoslavia and European Migration Policies

14. 3. 13 Sara Pistotnik
Since the 1960s most migrants have originated from the republics of the former Yugoslavia, but after Yugoslavia’s dissolution in 1991 migration management in Slovenia has changed. What used to be internal borders became external ones and at the same time European migration policies were implemented. These pushed for labour migration and Slovenia experienced an increase in the number of migrant w...
Work and residence permits Labour MigrationSloveniaarticles

Labour immigration in the Czech Republic – the commentary of the Ministry

14. 3. 13 Ondřej Brychta
This article, written by an employee of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic presents a brief survey of the impact of EU legislation on labour immigration of third-country nationals to the Czech Republic in the context of recent developments in the labour market. It further analyses the influence of certain EU Directives on the newly proposed Czech immigration system.
Work and residence permits Labour MigrationCzech Republicarticles

The policy of labor migration in Slovakia - lights in the darkness

Slovakia is well known for its strict migration policy and lack of effective integration policies. For the small number of non-EU residents living here, life is hard, legislation discouraging and racism ever present. However, the article aims to present some examples for optimism and hope that could encourage further changes.
Work and residence permits Labour MigrationSlovakiaarticles

No work permit, no protection – legal guarantees for migrant workers in Hungary

What legal guarantees are provided for migrant workers in Hungary? When taking this question into consideration, attention is needed to be paid to the rights of both documented and undocumented migrant workers. Our findings show that as a consequence of Hungary’s nationalising employment policies, which despite its economic nonsense primarily aim to protect the Hungarian labour market from forei...
Work and residence permits Labour MigrationHungaryarticles
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