
The website for critical discussion about migration in Central and Eastern Europe.

Migration to the Centre

The international project Migration to the Centre examines how acquis communautaire and other EU instruments influence migration and integration policies and practice in the V4 region (CZ, SK, PL, HU, SL). It brings international comparisons to the situation in each country, promotes cooperation and networking between experts and stakeholders and provides space for migrants´ voice. The project aims to raise awareness and build capacities for participation on the EU policies of migration and integration and their implementation.

The project is covering following topics that are considered crucial within the migration and integration process:

  • Work and the residence permits
  • Family reunification
  • Study / training in EU

The project aims to create an active network of Central European partners focused on migration and integration, to draw attention of policy makers, experts and wider public to similarities and differences in the implementation of EU migration legislation and contribute to the cultivation of the migration debate and create conditions for inclusion of migrants to the debate.

Project partners:

Duration of the project: 9/2012 - 2/2014

Project coordinator:
Alexandra Dubová
Telefon: +420 296 325 346
E-mail: alexandra.dubova@mkc.cz

The project has been generously supported by the European Commission The "Europe for citizens" programme.

Project outputs:

Female migrants working in Czech households

27. 2. 13 Oksana Belková
The Czech NGOs estimate that every second female migrant living in the Czech Republic has experienced working in Czech households. However, according to the figures of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs only 49 women work in the Czech Republic as nannies, cleaning ladies or nurses. These figures significantly influenced the decision of the Czech government whether to ratify the internationa...
Work and residence permitsCzech Republic

A “Third Country” Migrant’s Experience in Slovenia

27. 2. 13 Biljana Žikić
Migrants from the so-called third countries in Slovenia face the same problems regarding employment and working conditions as Slovenian and EU citizens. But, besides the general problems which are the results of economic and political hardships in Slovenia, there are also specific migrant problems such as bureaucratic obstacles, non-existence of migrants' social networks, discursive constraints su...
Work and residence permitsSlovenia

Migrant labour in Slovenia

26. 2. 13 Veronika Bajt
Migrant workers are a population still significantly affected by informal economy and remain the least protected category of workers in Slovenia. Employment policies that once welcomed migrants to supplement the workforce deficit also due to Slovenia’s aging population have changed and now contain regulations that work against migrant employment. New restrictions have been applied, intended to a...
Work and residence permits Labour MigrationSloveniaarticles

Story of Mrs. Manush – When Old Age Does Not Mean a Chance to Rest

In the framework of the project Migration to the Centre we talked to Mrs. Manush who comes from Armenia. Mrs. Manush had been recognized as a mandate refugee by the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees in the Slovak Republic and she has been living in Slovakia for 20 years now.
Work and residence permitsSlovakia

Syrian engineer working at the Polish bar

26. 2. 13
The respondent in this short interview conducted by the Institute of Public Affairs comes from Syria which he fled because of the war. 35 years old Syrian engineer lives in Poland for almost two years and works in a bar. In the interview he talks about his plans to start business but lacking necessary documents and means to do so.
Work and residence permitsPoland

VIDEO: Bubble tea, kebab, Russian design

22. 2. 13
The video, created with the cooperation Center for Independent Journalism Budapest, offers an insight into the living and working of migrants in Hungary. Through the lenses of various businesses it shows how creative migrants had to be in making their living in new country.
Work and residence permitsHungary

Story of Martin: Who deserves a Blue Card?

Martin comes from Egypt as highly skilled professional in the financial sector. Reasons that brought him to Slovakia are of private and family nature. Martin felt free to express a critical insight of his own immigration experience in the interview for the project “Migration to the Centre” with the Human Rights League Slovakia.
Work and residence permitsSlovakia

Migrants take away our jobs! Really?

My name is Elena and I have been living in Prague for 7 years now. There are many Czechs and migrants among my friends. I often hear an opinion that migrants take away Czechs' jobs. Is it really the case? Or are we just talking about a fair competition? I discussed this topic with Rasul Radžab account manager from Azerbaijan.
Work and residence permitsCzech Republicinterviews

Briefing 1: Access to Work and Residence Permits for non-EU workers

Over the past decade, the European Commission and the Member States brought together in the European Council have recognised the need for greater labour migration and a fair and equal treatment of migrant workers. These priorities were brought together at the highest political level with the adoption of the EU’s multiannual work plan in this area (known as the Stockholm Programme 2010-2014). The...
Work and residence permitsarticles

Migration to the Centre – Introduction by Thomas Huddleston

Most Central European countries are slowly transforming into a country of permanent and temporary immigration. During recent boom times, immigrants were often as temporary and circular, but many have settled permanently, while others continued to come. Seasonal, temporary, permanent, family, and humanitarian migrations make these countries into a country of immigration, and not only countries of e...
Work and residence permitsarticles
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