European Web Site on Integration – January 2018

Welcome to our first newsletter of 2019!
EU Highlights
Are countries ready to help refugees?
While refugee inflows to European countries have declined since the 2015-2016 peak, the experience of managing a sudden increase in the refugee population offers lessons for handling major migration flows in the future. This new OECD report examines how to create resilient systems for the reception and integration of large refugee inflows and points out areas where countries still need to improve.
Protecting children in migration
Refugee and migrant children often lack access to information presented in an age-appropriate manner, creating more confusion and anxiety for this vulnerable group. To help ensure that children are protected and have access to their rights, the Council of Europe has published a new guide for professionals and volunteers on child-friendly communication.
Upcoming Events
Brussels – ECRE/UNHCR Launch Event – Follow the Money Report II
31/01/2019 09:30
(L42 Business Center, Rue de la Loi 42, 1040 Brussels, Belgium)
UNHCR and the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) invite interested parties to the launch of the Follow the Money II report, which looks at the use of money from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) at the national level. This report analyses the use of AMIF funding…
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Brussels – ORAMMA Project Final Event
28/02/2019 10:30
(Maastricht University Campus Brussels, Avenue de Tervuren 153, 1150 Brussels, Belgium)
The ORAMMA Project has worked to develop an approach to healthcare for migrant and refugee women. On 28 February 2018, the project will host an event that allows attendees to hear about the work of the project, find out the results of the project’s feasibility study, and help the project…
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Porto - International Conference on Interculturalism and Multiculturalism
28/03/2019 09:00
(Centre for Intercultural Studies Office 333 Rua Jaime Lopes Amorim, s/n 4465-004 São Mamede de Infesta Portugal)
Registration is now open for the 2019 International Conference on Interculturalism and Multiculturalism. The Conference organised by the Centre for Intercultural Studies of the Oporto Polytechnic Institute will take place on 28, 29 and 30 March 2019 in Porto and will be divided into…
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Bari, Italy – The Migration Conference 2019
18/06/2019 08:30
(The Department of Political Science at the University of Bari Aldo Moro, Bari, Italy)
The seventh edition of The Migration Conference will be held in Bari, Italy from 18-20 June 2019. The conference provides an opportunity for an interdisciplinary discussion among experts, young researchers and students, practitioners and policy makers working in the field of migration. This…
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Latest News
Italian mayors meet with Conte on Security Decree
On 14 January 2019, a delegation of Italian mayors from the National Association of Municipalities (ANCI) met with Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. During the meeting, the mayors underlined four problems with the implementation of the controversial Salvini Security Decree , issued 24 September…
Biggest Czech carmaker establishes €30 million fund for local integration and development
Škoda Auto, a subsidiary of Germany’s Volkswagen Group, has launched a three-year, € 30 million regional development and integration programme titled Nové Boleslavsko (New Boleslav). The programme aims to make Mladá Boleslav, the seat of its corporate headquarters…
First integration centre operated by a Slovakian municipality to open in Nitra
The Municipality of Nitra approved in December 2018 the establishment of a local integration centre for economic migrants. This will be the first integration centre in Slovakia to be operated by a municipality. The goal of the centre is to create conditions for the successful integration of…
Local Integration Charter launched in Malta
On 14th December 2019, the Maltese Ministry for European Affairs and Equality launched the Local Integration Charter at the first Annual Integration Conference. The Charter addresses tensions related to social cohesion and presents community dialogue as a tool in addressing these tensions. The…
Greek government announces labour market support for refugees
The Greek Ministry of Labour, Social Insurance and Social Solidarity recently announced upcoming actions for the protection of rights of refugees, immigrants, and unaccompanied minors. The actions focus on issues related to labour market integration and protection of labour rights. The Ministry…
New immigration and integration regulations now in force in Lithuania
Several recent amendments to regulations on immigration and integration in Lithuania have come into force as of 1 January 2019. At the end of December, the Ministry of Social Security and Labour adopted the most important document regulating migrant integration in Lithuania—the Action Plan…
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Integration Practices Recently Uploaded
Kitchen on the Run
Kitchen on the Run ist ein Projekt des Berliner Vereins Über den Tellerrand e.V. Mit einer mobilen Küche, eingebaut in einen Schiffscontainer, reist das Projektteam seit 2016 durch Deutschland und Europa und fördert den persönlichen Austausch zwischen Menschen mit und ohne…
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InFusion (Infusão)
The InFusion (InFusão) project is a platform to facilitate the participation of Third-Country Nationals (TCNs) in the process of integration, using a multilevel approach. The project is focused on the areas of health, education, and employability. InFusion intends to create local…
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Children, parents and teachers against hate speech and discrimination
For the project ‘Children, parents and teachers against hate speech and discrimination’, a working group of primary school teachers and experts developed a new method to teach topics from the official school curriculum while incorporating the principles of tolerance, acceptance of…
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Christmas Eve Without Borders – Wigilia bez Granic
Christmas Eve Without Borders allows Polish families and foreign residents to celebrate Christmas Eve together. The project finds Polish families who want to invite foreign residents in Poland for Christmas Eve supper in their homes and matches them with foreign residents who want to accept such…
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Europe: €16.2 million AMIF call for proposals to support integration of third-country nationals
The European Commission has opened for proposals a total of €16.2 million to support the integration of third-country nationals. The available funding comes from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), which supports actions promoting the efficient management of migration flows…
Czech government calls for proposals to operate regional integration centres
The Czech Interior Ministry has announced the 20th open call for proposals within the framework of its National Programme of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund. The Ministry is accepting proposals to operate regional integration centres for third-country nationals in the Czech Republic,…
Czech Ministry of Interior offers funding to municipalities and civil society
The Czech Ministry of Interior is announcing two calls for funding applications for projects assisting immigrants in their integration journey. The first funding opportunity targets local authorities looking to address integration issues, while the second is meant for civil society organisations…
Funding opportunity for migrant associations in Portugal
Applications for funding through the 2019 PAAI (Immigrant Associations Support Programme) will be accepted until 31 January 2019 . The goals of the 2019 PAAI are to promote integration and equal opportunities for migrants in their access to basic services in Portugal, and to contribute to…
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Latest Documents
Indicators of immigrant integration 2018 - Annual statistical report
The Observatory for Migration has published the 2018 statistical report on the integration of immigrants in Portugal. The report is composed of 15 thematic chapters ranging from demographic trends to the labour market, health, education, and social security, to name a few. Demographics In 2017,…
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Foreigners in the Czech Republic 2018
This is the eighteenth publication in the series ‘Foreigners in the Czech Republic’ published by the Czech Statistical Office. The publication compiles extensive, updated statistics on foreigners who have chosen the Czech Republic to be the place of their permanent or long-term…
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News of Closing - Sixth Report of Carta di Roma 2018
Where does the public get their ideas about immigration? The main source is the news media. Thus, this December 2018 report by the Association Carta di Roma looks at trends in how print and television news sources use language when discussing migration. The report is the sixth edition of an…
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Integration von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund
Eine neue Studie des Instituts der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Köln belegt, dass Kinder mit einem Migrationshintergrund in Deutschland deutlich schlechtere Arbeits- und Einkommensperspektiven haben als solche ohne Migrationsgeschichte. So lag der Anteil der Erwerbstätigen bei den 25- bis…
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How to learn together? Combined high school students’ values, attitudes and coping strategies in a multilingual and multicultural school
The first study of students in Estonian-Russian combined high schools reveals that the drop-out rate in these schools is low, high learning motivation helps to overcome difficulties concerning languages and cultural differences, and the cultural identity of the students entrenches rather than…
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