
The website for critical discussion about migration in Central and Eastern Europe.
4. 7. 11
Zdroj: migrationonline.cz

Labour migration and the systems of social protection: Country report Belgium

The third Flexi-in-security country report is focused on Belgium. Massimo Bartolini gives a historical overview of immigration and migration policy in Belgium. He explains the differences between old and new migration. He assumes that the pressure of being flexible in the labor market forces Belgian workforce to give up some of their household and family duties which have to be taken over by labor migrants. As the author claims, some of Belgian industries could not function without new immigrants, such as agriculture, construction, domestic work, hotels and catering.
The author deals with various dimensions of labor migrants' life. At the end of his report, Bartolini provides readers with an overview of public policies, measures and actions (antidiscrimination laws, quotas, regularization, work permits system).
Massimo Bartolini
Massimo Bartolini works for the Centre Bruxellois d´Action Interculturel in Brussels, Belgium. He has been dealing with the situation of migrants in Belgium for several decades.
4. 7. 11
Zdroj: migrationonline.cz

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