
The website for critical discussion about migration in Central and Eastern Europe.

Migration Manifesto Non-governmental Organisations Working with Migrants in the Czech Republic 2015

Migration Manifesto Non-governmental Organisations Working with Migrants in the Czech Republic 2015
In this document (the “Manifesto”), we, as member organisations of the Consortium of Non-Governmental Organisations Working with Migrants in the Czech Republic, outline our experiences and opinions on migration and integration, and the policy related to migration and integration. They are based on our practical involvement in this sector for many years. This document is especially intended for policymakers and professionals. It can also be used by the general public.

We would like to use this document to contribute to the formulation of a balanced, enlightened and socially just migration and integration policy in the Czech Republic. We wish to promote cultural diversity, to contribute to the development of a culture of respect and responsibility, and an open society that enables all people to exercise their democratic rights, regardless of the differences between them. We would like to point out that the Czech Republic, on the basis of democratic processes, has passed legislation and acceded to many international treaties in which it undertakes to fulfi l certain principles or to adhere to certain regulations. However, such rules have on more than one occasion been breached, unfulfi lled or distorted, depending on current needs. An example of this is the fl outing of Act No. 262/2006, the Labour Code, in a case involving foreign employees, or once or several times a failure to provide documents proving residence, under Act No. 326/1999, on the Residence of Foreign Nationals in the Czech Republic. Recent examples include the failure to respect the basic principles of the 1951 Refugee Convention and the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, especially the principle of not prosecuting refugees for illegally entering a country.

The Migration Manifesto is divided into seven main chapters. Each chapter includes constructive criticism, recommendations, and suggestions for improvements in the area of concern:
  • Freedom of movement
  • Solidarity with refugees and a fair asylum policy
  • Integration and integration policy 
  • Social rights of migrants 
  • Education
  • Migrants and employment 
  • Political involvement 

For more information please visit  Consortium of Migrants Assisting Organisations in the Czech Republic

19. 10. 15

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