
The website for critical discussion about migration in Central and Eastern Europe.

Heads of OPU and Slovak Human Rights League launched their proposal for V4 countries on possible solution to the migration crisis

Heads of OPU and Slovak Human Rights League launched their proposal for V4 countries on possible solution to the migration crisis

Heads of OPU and the Slovak Human Rights League, Martin Rozumek and Zuzana Števulová, presented in the Visegrad Revue their proposal for the V4 countries and urged them to take a constructive approach in shaping the future EU asylum and migration policy.

The core proposal is establishment of common European asylum system, effective protection of the EU´s external borders and respect towards the right of asylum and non-refoulement principles. Even though there must be recognized differences between migration and asylum policies across EU member states and attractiveness of some countries than the others, having 28 different asylum systems within the EU is inefficient, costly and complicated.  

First goal of the authors´ appeal is creation of a true common EU asylum system. This system should have standardized procedures for all EU territories and a single set of rights for both asylum-seekers and those already granted refugee status of subsidiary protection. It should also include establishment of an EU asylum agency that would carry out fast and simple asylum procedure.

Second goal of this proposal is to re-establish control over migration flows into the EU. By this the author´s, above all, means replacing irregular migration with accessible legal and secure avenues to the EU. So, there should be created a European resettlement scheme that sets the number of refugees to be annually resettled from transit countries to member states´ territories. There should be also implement further programs such as the humanitarian visa program or sponsor and student programs. 

The whole article is available here: http://visegradrevue.eu/the-v4-can-and-should-shape-a-common-eu-asylum-and-migration-policy/

Title photo by Bőr Benedek - www.flickr.com

Martin Rozumek
Martin Rozumek is a lawyer and the director of the Organisation for Aid to Refugees (Organizace pro pomoc uprchlíkům – OPU).


Zuzana Števulová
Zuzana Števulová is lawyer and director of the Human Rights League, NGO in Slovakia. She specializes in the issues of humanitarian protection, immigration detention, residence permits and integration. She is lecturer on the Legal Clinic of Asylum Law in the Law Faculty of University in Trnava, Slovakia. Currently, she has been invited to participate on the preparation of the new Integration Policy of the Slovak Republic.
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