
The website for critical discussion about migration in Central and Eastern Europe.

Experiences of Forced Labour in the UK Food Industry (2012)

This report looks at evidence of exploitation and forced labour in sectors within the UK food industry. It draws upon in-depth testimonies from 62 migrant workers mainly originating from the EU and China. Three sub-sectors of the food industry are represented in the study: agriculture, food processing and minority ethnic catering.

The UK government recently reaffirmed its commitment to eradicating modern-day slavery by creating the criminal offence of ‘forced labour’. Focusing on sub-sectors of the economy known to be home to significant levels of exploitation, the report seeks to identify forced labour in four ways. It:

  • lists the key forced labour indicators affecting the 62 migrants interviewed;
  • highlights the labour-market contexts closely associated with forced labour;
  • discusses the practices employers engage in that, if severe enough or numerous enough, lead to forced labour situations;
  • identifies the negative outcomes that result from workers experiencing forced labour.

28. 3. 13

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