
The website for critical discussion about migration in Central and Eastern Europe.

European Web Site on Integration's newsletter - issue 75

 European Web Site on Integration's newsletter - issue 75
17 November 2015 / Issue 75

WELCOME! This is the 75th issue of the European Web Site on Integration's newsletter. Every month, the Editorial team of the European Web Site on Integration sends you a selection of content recently published on the Site.

EC launches infringement proceedings against 19 EU countries on reception and rights of beneficiaries of international protection

The Commission is sending Letters of Formal Notice to 19 Member States for not having communicated the national measures taken to fully transpose the updated Reception Conditions Directive (2013/33/EU)[4] which sets out common minimum standards for the reception of applicants for international protection across Member States. It provides a legal obligation for Member States to ensure that material reception conditions are available to applicants when they apply for international protection. These include access to housing, food, health care and employment, as well as medical and psychological care. It also restricts the detention of vulnerable persons, in particular minors.

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Science4Refugees helps job search for refugee scientists and researchers 

Refugees are now a target group for EURAXESS - Researchers in Motion portal, a pan-European initiative providing information and support to researchers pursuing jobs and careers in Europe. On 5 October, the European Commission launched Science4Refugees as part of the long-term response to refugee arrivals.

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Upcoming Events

Brussels - Journée d'étude consacrée à l'évaluation de la législation antidiscrimination

27/11/2015 09:00
(Auditoire Lippens de la Bibliothèque Royale, 4 Boulevard de l’Empereur à 1000 Bruxelles.)
Le Centre interfédéral pour l'égalité des chances organise une journée d’étude concernant l’évaluation de la législation fédérale en matière d’anti-discrimination. Cette journée…
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Prague - Conference "Migration and Employment Services"

23/11/2015 09:00
(Chamber of Deputies Parliament of the Czech Republic Sněmovní 1, Praha 1 The Czech Republic)
The access of foreign nationals to Czech labour market will be the main subject discussed during the conference. The focus will be put on co-operation between the Labour Office and other public administration bodies as well as NGOs. Austrian and German experts will introduce functional practices…
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Florence - Spreading citizenship: Dynamics of norm diffusion in Europe and the Americas

26/11/2015 09:00
(European University Institute, Via Roccettini, 9, 50014 San Domenico di Fiesole, Florence, Italy)
The 2015 EUDO conference will compare access to citizenship and the franchise in Europe and the Americas. The conference will specifically focus on regional and global processes of norm diffusion. Questions that will be addressed include the following: Are the rules for acquisition and loss of…
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Hannover - Internationale Konferenz "Lernen von Anderen und seine Grenzen: Migrationsmanagement und Integrationsförderung im internationalen Vergleich"

24/11/2015 18:00
(Tagungszentrum Schloss Herrenhausen Herrenhäuser Straße 5 30419 Hannover)
Was sich von Anderen lernen lässt und wo dieses Abschauen seine Grenzen findet, ist Gegenstand einer internationalen Konferenz zu Fragen des Migrationsmanagements und der Integrationsförderung.   Programm: 24. November 2015 – 18.00 Uhr   "Making Immigration Work: How…
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Latest News

Bulgaria: Moves to align national refugee legislation with EU law

Foreign nationals seeking international protection in Bulgaria will have the right to work in the country if the decision to grant protection is delayed for more than three months for reasons beyond their control, the country’s parliament has decided. By introducing the concept of…
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Malta: Basic or specific curriculum for foreign students?

In 2014, nearly 600 migrant students who could not speak neither English nor Maltese were identified in Maltese State schools, reported the Education Ministry. Therefore, the authorities set up a basic curriculum for children from migrant and foreign families in this category. Proposals include…
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Spain: Judge warns that the government discriminates against Spanish nationals with foreign partners

A judge in Tenerife has reported that the Government has been discriminating against Spanish nationals married with non-EU spouses by requiring them to prove sufficient financial means in order to grant their spouse the residence permit, as this requirement is not in the Spanish Law. The Court…
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Netherlands: More housing for refugees results in boost of construction industry

Last week, Minister Plasterk of the Interior and Junior Minister Dijkhoff for Asylum sent a letter to the 12 provinces of The Netherlands asking them to put forward proposals to house between 2,000 to 2,500 refugees each. In the meantime, the Economic Institute for the Building Industry (EIB)…
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France: Fortes discriminations à l'embauche liées à la religion

Sur le marché du travail, mieux vaut paraître catholique, que musulman ou juif: une étude de l'Institut Montaigne publiée jeudi révèle de "fortes discriminations" à l'embauche liées à la religion, surtout envers les musulmans…
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Germany: A bank account for everyone residing legally in the country, including refugees

A draft law presented by the German cabinet on Wednesday would force German banks to provide access to a basic bank account to everyone. The law which would allow people without proper documentation or permanent address to open an account, will particularly affect homeless people and…
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Slovakia: More financial resources will be allocated to migrants integration

Integration policies implemented by the Slovak Republic have often been critised. (see MIPEX 2015 results or other analyses here and here ). The quantity of financial resources allocated to migrants integration is another critised aspect. Under the pressure arising from the current refugee…
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Portugal: Spotlights on female (Brazilian) immigrants, Portugal's largest foreign group

« Lidia came to Portugal to pursue a master’s degree. She was a university lecturer in Brazil. Her initial plan was to only stay for the duration of her studies and then return to her home town Fortaleza. Ten years have passed and Lidia still lives in Lisbon where she  now…
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Estonia: ECRI recommends criminalising cyberhate to fight racism in Estonia

The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance  (ECRI) has published its fifth monitoring report on Estonia . The report highlights several areas of concern, especially regarding racism. ECRI notes that although Estonia does not suffer from a general problem of hate speech, the…
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Italy: Watchdog report published on the legislative activity around migrant issues

The association Lunaria monitored the Italian legislative activity in the areas of immigration, asylum, citizenship, discrimination and racism. The results of its work were presented as a dossier during a press conference held in the House of Representatives. The dossier analyses the issues at…
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Integration Practices recently uploaded

Empowerment 4 Job - Personal enhancement and practical training for young migrants in vulnerable situations

Given that a number of young migrant job seekers lack working experience, the risk to find themselves in a situation of long-term unemployment and great vulnerability, which can lead to marginalisation, increases with time. The goal of the project Empowerment 4 Job is to promote social…
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FORWARD - Ways to improve migrant women employability and social inclusion

The Project FORWARD has been initiated in order to design and implement an innovative competence-based portfolio and pedagogical tools for the identification, recognition, validation and development of the competences of migrant women, as a way to improve their employability and social inclusion.
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Latest funding information

Call for proposals for social policy innovations supporting reforms in social services - VP/2015/011

The European Programme for Employment and Social Innovation "EaSI" 2014-2020 is a European-level financing instrument aiming to contribute to the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy. One of EaSI's goals is to  reduce discrimination based on sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or…
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Latest documents

Integration policies and public opinion: in conflict or in harmony?

This paper investigates the statistical relationship between integration policies and public opinion toward immigrants. Overall, the eighteen reviewed studies indicate that integration policies are strongly associated with the general public’s level of perceived threat from immigrants and,…
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Is Britain Fairer? The State of Equality and Human Rights 2015

Is Britain Fairer? The State of Equality and Human Rights 2015 is a report published by the Equality and Human Rights Commission in the UK. It is described as the most comprehensive review ever carried out on progress towards greater equality and human rights protection in Britain.…
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Czech Republic: The situation of Young Migrant Men and their Integration in the Czech Republic

In the general public discourse, young migrant men (henceforth “YMM”) are frequently featured as a problem group which fails in the education system, potentially upholds sexist attitudes and exhibits violent and criminal behaviour. According to a recent study, the experiences of…
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