Czech Republic: General provider of integration services for next 3 years not found in open tender

No bidder has expressed interest in a 520-million-crown contract for providing integration services for foreigners in the Czech Republic. The Caritas Czech Republic had been appointed the general provider of integration services in 2016, but its contract expired at the end of the year. According to Caritas Czech Republic, one of the main problems is that the contract is not sufficiently funded.
The government approved a tender for a contract worth 173.5 million crowns a year for the following three years in August 2016. The Interior Ministry estimates the number of applicants for international protection at 2000 a year in the next three years.
Interior Ministry wants to secure the integration of foreigners itself and has proposed to the government that the Refugee Facilities Administration (SUZ), operating under the ministry, become the general provider of integration services. According to the Interior Ministry, the SUZ has sufficient capacities as well as experience with the integration of foreigners.