
The website for critical discussion about migration in Central and Eastern Europe.
29. 8. 13
Zdroj: migrationonline.cz

2012 Report on the State of Human Rights

The 2012 Report on the State of Human Rights provides detailed information on the human rights trends in Czech Republic. The report is annually elaborated by the Government Council for Human to inform on the situation in the protection and respect of the human rights in the country, and to draw attention to related issues needed to be addressed. The report aims to provide balanced, impartial and in some way critical view on the issue. The paper notes that in 2012, the human rights in Czech Republic shift in positive way through new legislations and case law. However, there are still remaining some problematic issues.

The report is divided into two parts – general and special part. The first one is dedicated to institutional ensuring of the protection of human rights and the international dimension of this issue. The special part is structured into the topics focused on civil and political rights, economic, social and cultural rights, discrimination, children´s rights and the rights and status of foreigners.

The most problematic issues in the last area include delays in residence permit proceedings or the functioning of the VISAPOINT system. Or the restrictive government policy on foreign employment that through internal legal acts without legal support may lead to an increase of illegal employment. The protection of the foreigners in the human trafficking and labour exploitation is improving, but the political participation remains limited. Moreover, the access to health care for certain groups of foreigners that are excluded from public health insurance is still restricted.

According to the report, integration policy is based on the support for foreigners in all phases of the integration process, including the information material for foreigners from third countries who plan on relocating to the Czech Republic on a long-term basis.

The new legislations in obtaining of citizenship brings positive steps, but also some controversial, such as paternity genetic tests or conditions of obtaining of citizenship for children of parents-apatrids. Following the decision of the European Court of Human Rights, there will be implemented the court´s power to order the immediate release of asylum seekers from the reception centre if detained illegally. The foreigners before expulsion have to face the lack of using the other alternatives to the detention and placement of minors and families with children into the detention facilities. Moreover, the Council suggests the government should emit the new draft of the foreign act as a solution of certain problems mentioned in the report.

29. 8. 13
Zdroj: migrationonline.cz

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