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Temporary agency work in the electronics sector

Discriminatory practices against agency workers - methodology, legislation, recommendations, and case studies from Mexico, Thailand, Philippines and India.

This study is written by SOMO, an independent, not for profit research and network organisation that promotes sustainable and fair global economic development and the elimination of the structural causes of poverty, environmental problems, exploitation and inequality.

SOMO has written this briefing paper to put the issue of temporary agency workers on the corporate responsibility agenda of electronics companies. Injustice experienced by these workers stands out in SOMO’s research as one of the most distressing issues we have encountered. We have conducted numerous interviews with workers in electronics factories in countries like Thailand and the Philippines. We always end the interview by asking workers what would be the one thing that would improve their lives the most. Surprisingly, these young workers – mostly women – do not want Prince Charming to sweep them away on a white horse; or to win the lottery. Instead, they all answer: ‘I wish to become a permanent worker directly hired by the electronics company I work for.’

The study is available here.

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