Separated by the Sword of Bureaucracy The story of Osama (and of his brother as well) is one of a struggle with Czech and Saudi bureaucracies.... 7. 5. 13 Tania Dumbrava Family reunification Česká republika
How to dissolve a migrants marriage? We can´t get divorce in the Czech Republic Ksana Vakchrusheva has made a report demonstrating how difficult it may be to dissolve a marriage.... 5. 4. 13 Ksana Vakchrusheva Family reunification Česká republika
Migrants’ Rights in the Labour Market – Is There a Chance for Improvement? The present article summarizes the public debate on a highly discussed topic – the issue of employment of migrants and their rights on the labour market in the... 5. 4. 13 Ludmila Pascanean Work and residence permits Česká republika
Marrying a husband with an EU green card Coming to Slovenia as a Serbian citizen was not an easy task. It took a lot of time and patience to deal with all the administration and paperwork.... 2. 4. 13 Irena Vujčić Pavlović Family reunification Česká republika
Why did Czech government refuse to ratify ILO Convention on Decent Work for Domestic Workers? This commentary has been written in reaction to the recent decision by the Czech government not to ratify the International Labour Organization's... 26. 3. 13 Pavla Redlová, Marie Heřmanová Labour Migration Integration Česká republika