
The website for critical discussion about migration in Central and Eastern Europe.

Press reports

What Syrians want you to know

cnn.com15. 3. 2016

Barma má po víc než půlstoletí civilního prezidenta

rozhlas.cz15. 3. 2016

Afghan refugees drown in river en route to Macedonia

aljazeera.com15. 3. 2016

Idomeni: On the brink of a humanitarian catastrophe

aljazeera.com15. 3. 2016

Chovanec se odvolá kvůli rozhodnutí soudu o šibenicích. Nepatří do kultury demokracie, říká ministr

aktualne.cz13. 3. 2016

Danish children’s rights activist fined for people trafficking

theguardian.com11. 3. 2016

Refugee crisis: Calais eviction sprouts new 'jungles'

aljazeera.com11. 3. 2016

Checkpoints & roadblock: Stuck on the refugee trail

aljazeera.com10. 3. 2016

Slovenia and Croatia ban transit of refugees to other European countries

theguardian.com9. 3. 2016

'We will find a way': Syrian refugees react to planned EU-Turkey deal

theguardian.com9. 3. 2016

UN says EU-Turkey refugee deal would violate law

aljazeera.com9. 3. 2016

Volná pracovní místa se firmy snaží zaplnit i cizinci. Ti ale složitě získávají pracovní povolení

rozhlas.cz8. 3. 2016

Migrant crisis: EU and Turkey close in on agreement

bbc.com8. 3. 2016

Afghanistan unveils soccer kit with hijab

cnn.com8. 3. 2016

EU and Turkey agree on refugee crisis proposal

CNN8. 3. 2016
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