
The website for critical discussion about migration in Central and Eastern Europe.

Press reports

Manus Island detention centre to close, Papua New Guinea prime minister says

theguardian.com27. 4. 2016

Okolo plotu v Brenneru pojedou řidiči třicítkou, plánuje Rakousko

ceskatelevize.cz27. 4. 2016

Pobodaný muslim, pomalované kavárny, výhrůžky. Policie s extremisty ‚prohrává‘ 0:5

lidovky.cz27. 4. 2016

Kameny a slzný plyn. Frustrace na Lesbu roste, uprchlíci nechtějí do Turecka

ceskatelevize.cz27. 4. 2016

David Cameron rejects peers' call to admit more refugee children

theguardian.com27. 4. 2016

Photographer awarded for images of European migrants

cnn.com27. 4. 2016

High school basketball player says he was unaware he is actually 29

theguardian.com27. 4. 2016

More than a million live in 'extreme poverty' in UK

aljazeera.com27. 4. 2016

Bodies of migrants wash up on Libyan shores

cnn.com27. 4. 2016

Iranian refugee critically ill after setting himself on fire on Nauru during UN visit

theguardian.com27. 4. 2016

Europe’s failure on refugees echoes the moral collapse of the 1930s

theguardian.com26. 4. 2016

Labour says 'fight will go on' after Tories vote down child refugee plan

theguardian.com26. 4. 2016

Athens under pressure: city races to clear port's refugee camp before tourists arrive

theguardian.com26. 4. 2016

Clashes at Lesbos migrant camp

bbc.com26. 4. 2016

Uprchlíci jsou jako gayové či lesbičky, těch jsme se také dříve báli, tvrdí zpravodaj OSN pro lidská práva a imigraci

ihned.cz26. 4. 2016
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