
The website for critical discussion about migration in Central and Eastern Europe.

Press reports

Slovenští celníci pronásledovali auto s uprchlíky, postřelili migrantku

lidovky.cz9. 5. 2016

The refugee children of Idomeni: alone, far from home but clinging to hope

theguardian.com8. 5. 2016

Syrian refugees: 'We would not consider Europe'

aljazeera.com7. 5. 2016

Joseph Kagan: Halifax's rags to riches Lithuanian refugee

bbc.com7. 5. 2016

Pro and anti-refugee protests staged in Berlin

aljazeera.com7. 5. 2016

Aleppo truce extended as Idlib attack survivors mourn

aljazeera.com7. 5. 2016

MSF urges Kenya not to shut down Dadaab refugee camp

aljazeera.com7. 5. 2016

Kenya to close refugee camps, displacing more than 600,000

cnn.com7. 5. 2016

Labour's Sadiq Khan elected mayor of London

theguardian.com7. 5. 2016

Migrant domestic workers take to the streets in Beirut

aljazeera.com7. 5. 2016

Demonstrace v Brennerském průsmyku. Policie musela použít slzný plyn

lidovky.cz7. 5. 2016

Pokud Rakousko zablokuje hranice, bude to politická pohroma, uvedl Jucker

lidovky.cz7. 5. 2016

Pope Francis: Being a migrant is not a crime

aljazeera.com7. 5. 2016

Syria accused of airstrike on refugee camp as Assad pushes for 'final victory'

theguardian.com6. 5. 2016

Arcibiskup Duka: Za strach z přílivu uprchlíků mohou i ti, kdo říkají: přijměme je všechny

lidovky.cz6. 5. 2016
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