
The website for critical discussion about migration in Central and Eastern Europe.

Press reports

Projevy v Terezíně: Štěch byl protiněmecký, bojovníci za svobodu xenofobní, tvrdí židovské obce

lidovky.cz16. 5. 2016

Syrian refugee reads poem

bbc.com16. 5. 2016

How the global refugee crisis got so bad - in numbers

bbc.com15. 5. 2016

EU referendum: Migrants 'force Welsh people out of jobs'

bbc.com15. 5. 2016

Deaf Syrian carpet-makers find markets in Asia

aljazeera.com15. 5. 2016

Boris Johnson criticised for 'desperate' link between EU and Hitler

theguardian.com15. 5. 2016

Cuban migration: New routes open to the US

aljazeera.com15. 5. 2016

Turkey: Talks with EU on visa-free travel reach impasse

aljazeera.com14. 5. 2016

David Miliband urges 'new deal' for refugees

bbc.com14. 5. 2016

David Miliband: close the world's refugee camps

theguardian.com14. 5. 2016

Africa on film: 'We need to be the hero'

aljazeera.com14. 5. 2016

Několik stovek lidí protestovalo v centru Prahy proti EU i uprchlíkům

ceskatelevize.cz14. 5. 2016

‚Pomočil papeže.‘ Britský tisk zkritizoval kardinála Duku, prý ponižuje muslimy

lidovky.cz14. 5. 2016

David Miliband wants work rights for refugees

bbc.com14. 5. 2016

Thousands trapped in besieged Khan Eshieh camp in Syria

aljazeera.com14. 5. 2016
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