
The website for critical discussion about migration in Central and Eastern Europe.

Press reports

Evakuace tábora v Idomeni je u konce. Uprchlíky rozvezly desítky autobusů

lidovky.cz26. 5. 2016

ISIS infiltrates the migrant route in Libya

cnn.com26. 5. 2016

Refugee crisis uncovers past shortfalls

reliefweb.int26. 5. 2016

Dozens feared drowned as latest migrant boat sinks off Libya

cnn.com26. 5. 2016

Migrant crisis: Many feared dead in shipwreck off Libya

bbc.com26. 5. 2016

Scotland's papers: Migrant mayday and Shell job cuts

bbc.com26. 5. 2016

Increasing perils at Tanzania's Nyarugusu refugee camp

aljazeera.com26. 5. 2016

Economy and security to dominate G7 summit in Japan

aljazeera.com26. 5. 2016

No Respite: Burundian Refugees in the DR Congo

reliefweb.int26. 5. 2016

Greece continues eviction of refugees from Idomeni

aljazeera.com26. 5. 2016

Angelina Jolie and the quest to stop women's abuse

aljazeera.com26. 5. 2016

Ve Středozemním moři zemřely desítky uprchlíků, stovka lidí se dál pohřešuje

ceskatelevize.cz26. 5. 2016

Libya: ISIS sees an opening on migrant route to Europe

cnn.com26. 5. 2016

Soud posoudí, zda soudce Zbránek může psát články zesměšňující uprchlíky či muslimy

ceskatelevize.cz26. 5. 2016

Greece: "I am tired of being here and I’m tired of living in fear"

reliefweb.int26. 5. 2016
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