
The website for critical discussion about migration in Central and Eastern Europe.

Press reports

Two-thirds failed new Danish citizenship test

aljazeera.com6. 7. 2016

Hungary schedules vote on EU refugee quotas for October

aljazeera.com5. 7. 2016

Hungary to have October referendum on EU migrant plan

bbc.com5. 7. 2016

EU migrants: We're not Brexit 'bargaining chips'

cnn.com5. 7. 2016

Syrian refugees could become Turkish citizens, Erdogan says

cnn.com3. 7. 2016

Greek leftists turn deserted hotel into refugee homes

aljazeera.com3. 7. 2016

Children among suspected migrants found in lorry on M25

bbc.com3. 7. 2016

Jordan must help, not punish, trapped refugees

cnn.com2. 7. 2016

Why is Australia's parliament so white?

aljazeera.com1. 7. 2016

How Australia turned its back on the world's refugee crisis

cnn.com1. 7. 2016

Europol odhalil přes sedm tisíc potenciálních pašeráků migrantů

zet.cz28. 6. 2016

Poland 'shocked' by xenophobic abuse of Poles in UK

aljazeera.com27. 6. 2016

Muslimský herec: Oslava 11. září? Já vám řeknu, co jsem dělal

zahranicni.eurozpravy.cz26. 6. 2016

Britain’s Democratic Failure

www.project-syndicate.org24. 6. 2016

Kolik lidí opravdu přišlo do Evropy a proč je mylné mluvit o invazi. Fakta a mýty o uprchlících

aktualne.cz20. 6. 2016
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