
The website for critical discussion about migration in Central and Eastern Europe.
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Workshop: Governing Forced Migration by Sea - A Legal Perspective

The Faculty of Law of the University of Oxford, the All Souls College and St Hilda’s College organize a workshop on the legal frame of the “boat migration” that will be held in Oxford, 17-18 November 2011.

In the past decades, the phenomenon of “boat migration” has increasingly been perceived as a problem. In the absence of a detailed legal regime, coastal states have adopted their own regulatory approaches, challenging at times the basis of their international obligations. In light of recent developments, including the flows of refugees fleeing the war in Libya, the increasingly important role played by the EU in this context, and the expected decision by the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Hirsi v Italy, the workshop, through an extensive analysis of the legal framework, aims at detecting both the potentialities and shortcomings of the regime currently governing forced migration by sea, so that possible solutions and spaces for improvement may be identified.

The Workshop is generously funded by the Faculty of Law of the University of Oxford and is supported by All Souls College and St Hilda’s College.

The Workshop aims at creating opportunities for discussion between State representatives, NGOs, IOs and academics working in the field. There will be ample space for individual interventions and debate on key issues. On account of space constraints and to organise the necessary arrangements, please confirm your attendance to violeta.morenolax@st-hildas.ox.ac.uk or irini.papanicolopulu@law.ox.ac.uk as soon as possible, as places are limited.

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