
The website for critical discussion about migration in Central and Eastern Europe.
8. 8. 13
Zdroj: migrationonline.cz

Smuggled Versus Not Smuggled Across the Czech Border

The article published in the International Migration Review 47/1 focuses on the main reasons, trends and characteristics of the unauthorized movement of migrants across the Czech border before the joining the Schengen area. The aim of the paper was to conduct analysis of the spatial behaviour of unauthorized migrants in their attempts to irregularly cross the Czech state’s “green” border (including walking trails) into Austria and Germany, between 2005 and 2007. It demonstrates the importance of selected demographic and human characteristics of the migrants, as well as the physical features of the environment, in their crossing.

The authors of this study (the first attempt at a more complex analysis of the phenomenon) try to translate and formulate several promises based on well-known explanations of migration processes and experience of unauthorized migration movements accumulated so far that are tested trough the analysis of smuggled/not smuggled unauthorized migrants in the Czech Republic. Their results are based on information about the attractiveness to unauthorized migrants of urbanized structures sited directly on borders, the frequency of unauthorized crossings in the course of a year, the age profiles of migrants, or moving through terrain that offers good possibilities of concealment.

In the end they emphasize the research of this type should not generally contribute only to building new barriers. The improving of the situation often calls for more than just strengthening restrictions, oppression, or the militarization of borders. On the contrary, arrangements of this kind can often have a negative effect. The path to success leads through proactive approaches on the part of destination countries (or larger regional blocks or coalitions) in tackling various aspects of their societal.

8. 8. 13
Zdroj: migrationonline.cz

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