Invitation to foreigners living in Karlovy Vary
Dear fellow residents,
Allow me to address you, representatives of the population of Karlovy Vary who have moved to the Czech Republic from abroad, and have chosen to live in our city.
I would like to invite you to participate in an event called "The strategic workshop on the integration of foreigners in Karlovy Vary", which is aimed at identifying the priorities of integration of foreigners into city life.
As of yet, there are no other ways in which you - residents without Czech citizenship - can participate in decision-making regarding events in the city, and the development of Karlovy Vary; therefore, it is very important and necessary that you take part in the integration workshop. We are very interested in finding out what you would like to improve here, or what you feel is missing from the city.
The representatives of the Municipality of Karlovy Vary, schools, social service providers, police and other institutions will attend the workshop along with you.
The strategic workshop is organized by the Municipality of Karlovy Vary in collaboration with the Multicultural Center Prague under the auspices of the Mayor of Karlovy Vary, Ing. Peter Kulhánek.
Date: Thursday, October 30, 2014 from 10.00 to 18.00.
Venue: Elisabeth Bath (Social Hall) /Alžbětiny lázně (Společenský sál)/, Smetanovy sady 1145/1, Karlovy Vary (map)
Registration, contact: email - , phone – 728 657 089
If you are interested in creating the strategy for the integration of foreigners in Karlovy Vary, please, do not hesitate to contact us, we look forward to working together with you.
Yours sincerely,
Ing. Petr Kulhánek
The mayor of the city
Invitation translated: [in Russian] [in Ukrainian] [in Vietnamese] [in English] [in German] [in Czech]