European Web Site on Integration's newsletter - issue 81

This is the 81st issue of the European Web Site on Integration's newsletter. Every month, the Editorial team of the European Web Site on Integration makes a selection of content recently published on the Site.
Call for proposals for policy reform: Social inclusion through education, training and youth
A Call for Proposals EACEA 05/2016 has been launched under the Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 3: support for policy reform — initiatives for policy innovation. The focus is social inclusion through education and training, and the deadline for application is 30 May 2016. Proposals should support projects which aim at up-scaling and disseminating innovative good practices falling under the scope of the so-called Paris Declaration. More requirements

Brussels - European Union in International Affairs (EUIA) Conference on Migration and Diversity
11/05/2016 09:00
(Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België voor
Wetenschappen en Kunsten (KVAB)
Paleis der Academiën
Hertogsstraat 1
1000 Brussel)
The Institute for European Studies at the Vrije
Universiteit Brussel (IES-VUB), the Institut d’Études
Européennes at the Université Libre de Bruxelles
(IEE-ULB), the United Nations University Institute on
Comparative Regional Integration Studies…
Migration and Education
12/05/2016 09:00
(Pädagogische Hochschule Salzburg, Akademiestraße 23,
5020 Salzburg)
The research field of migration, education and media is
diverse and heterogeneous. This conference, with an
international, interdisciplinary and intersectional
perspective, wants to bring together theoretical
approaches explaining migration, theories of
integration, acculturation and…
Driving Forward Multilevel Integration for Migrants in Europe: Improving Access to Education and to the Labour Market
19/05/2016 09:15
(Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre
Avenue du Boulevard 17
1210 Brussels
The European Union has struggled to find appropriate and
harmonised measures to successfully address the migrant
crisis, which has highlighted both political and
structural flaws of the European Union’s response to
what has been labelled ‘Europe’s biggest challenge’.
The 4th Ruppin International Conference on Immigration and Social Integration - The Changing Face of Migration: Future Challenges for Societies
23/05/2016 00:00
(Ruppin Academic Center, Emek Hefer Campus, Israel)
Organized by the Institute for Immigration and Social
Integration at Ruppin Academic Center, the Association
for Canadian Studies (ACS) and the International
Metropolis Project, the 2016 Ruppin International
Conference will focus on the evolving impact of
migration on sending and host societies.…
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Germany: Refugees create new jobs
According to the IAB Institute for Employment
Research, the number of jobs in Germany increased
significantly due to the influx of refugees. Especially
the increasing need of language teachers, social workers
and security guards clearly affected the labour market
during the last months so that…
Netherlands: Changes in Dutch employment law and what this means for TCNs if they lose their job
Labour migrants are often dependent upon their job to
maintain their residency status in the Netherlands.
Therefore it is important to know what the recent
changes to Dutch employment law mean for the rights of
Third Country Nationals (TCNs) when their employment
with an organisation is…
Sweden: New information portal for newly arrived immigrants (Information Sweden) is a brand
new portal for anyone who is new to Sweden and wants to
find information about Swedish society quickly and
easily. It brings information, in several different
languages, together in one place. It includes civic
information and answers to…
Portugal: Expansion of the network of Local Support Centres for Migrant Integration
The growing need of services targeting the migrant
population has been leading to the expansion of the
network of Local Support Centres for Migrant Integration
(CLAIM). In one of the largest municipalities in the
country (Sintra), a new office opened in the civil
parish of Agualva-Cacém,…
France : Le Gouvernement lance une campagne contre les discriminations à l’embauche
Le gouvernement français a lancé, lundi 18 avril 2016,
une campagne de communication et de sensibilisation,
intitulée " Les compétences d’abord " pour mettre en
lumière les discriminations à l’embauche que pratiquent
les entreprises. Cette…
Bulgaria: New law attracts highly-qualified third country nationals
Highly-qualified foreign specialists will be entitled
to be contracted to get a salary equal to at least two
average salaries based on the data for the previous 12
months, Bulgaria’s Parliament decided on 13 April 2016,
approving the second reading of the Law on Labour
Migration and Labour…
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RE-LAB: start up your business
RE-LAB project was a PILOT initiative addressing the
needs of refugees beyond emergency assistance, i.e. the
creation of employment and the access to finance. As
such it sought to promote entrepreneurial initiatives
among refugees by providing them with the necessary
competencies and tools for…
IOM Information centers for Immigrants in Sofia and Burgas
The International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Bulgaria supports the socio-economic integration of
third country nationals (TCNs) in Bulgaria by offering
them individually tailored services and integration
activities. In 2009 the IOM Bulgaria managed to
establish and develop Information…
Information service point "Info Gloria"
People come to Finland for different reasons: through
marriage, to study, to work, for humanitarian reasons.
Adaptation to a new culture often takes time. In early
stages especially, one may face unexpected difficult
questions that need an answer. For these reasons, an
easy access information…
Third Age Fáilte Isteach (Welcome)
Fáilte Isteach is a community-based project involving
older volunteers welcoming migrants through
conversational English classes. It is at the forefront
of improving integration in Ireland by extending the
hands of friendship and goodwill through the practical,
welcoming and inclusive…
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Mama Cash - grant supporting women's right
Mama Cash supports ambitious feminist and women's
rights organisations and initiatives led by and for
women, girls and trans people. Mama Cash makes grants in
most countries of the world. Even though contexts are
significantly different, the concerns of some specific
groups of women, girls and…
Sweden: Apply for funds from the Swedish Inheritance Fund
The Swedish Inheritance Fund has recently announced a
big call for applications on projects focused on newly
arrived immigrant children and young people. The
objective is to fund at least 150 new projects during
2016-2018. Project proposals are accepted countinuously,
and therefore there is no…
Poland: Two new tenders for integration projects co-funded from AIMF
The Ministry of the Interior and Administration
(MSWiA) has announced two new tenders for integration
projects co-financed from the Asylum, Integration and
Migration Fund (AIMF). The previous tender has been
invalidated. As the Ministry explained, the need to
launch new tenders was dictated by…
Austria: Grants from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF)
In Austria the call starts to submit project proposals
for the area integration of Asylum, Migration and
Integration Fund (AMIF) . The total allocation of
Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund is 3,137 million
euros for the period 2014-2020. For Austria are
available 64.53 million euros, 44%…
EP Report: Labour Market Integration of Refugees
This European Parliament study provides the Employment
and Social Affairs Committee with an analytical review
of literature to identify key elements of a strategy for
labour market integration of refugees. Strategies and
policies are illustrated by examples and good practices
EU Fundamental Values, Immigration and Integration: A Shared Responsibility
A seminar on EU fundamental values, immigration and
integration was held on 2 February 2016 in Strasbourg
under the auspices of the Netherlands Presidency of the
Council of the European Union. The seminar brought
together civil society, experts and representatives of
EU member states,…
Annual Human Rights Report 2015
This 2015 annual report is published by the Platform
of Human Rights Organisations in Malta . It presents the
findings of a survey done amongst the member
organisations of the platform. The most notable findings
of the report, related to integration are the
following: - a focus on hate…
Studie: Arbeitsmarktintegration von Flüchtlingen
Die Studie von Jutta Aumüller (Institut für
Demokratische Entwicklung und Soziale Integration –
DESI) untersucht die bestehenden Praxisansätze zur
Arbeitsmarktintegration von Flüchtlingen und gibt
Anregungen zur Weiterentwicklung. Die existierenden
Maßnahmen haben…
SVR Annual Report 2016
The SVR’s 2016 Annual Report looks at religious
diversity in Germany as an immigration country and the
resulting institutional, political and legal challenges.
The analysis shows that the equal institutional
treatment of Islam is on the right track, but there are
still open issues. The…
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