European Web Site on Integration – August 2018

This is the August issue of the European Web Site on Integration's newsletter.
Please find below a selection of the most relevant policy developments, data updates, events, funding schemes and good practices at the EU, national and local level, recently published on the Web Site.
10 August 2018 / 105
*EU highlights*
*€16.2 million AMIF call for proposals*
A total of €16.2 million is now available from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) of the European Commission to support the integration of third-country nationals. The funding call targets five priority areas, including care for migrant minors and support for local and regional integration networks. How to apply
*New online resource for the Danube region*
The EU-funded website Danube Compass provides extensive, multilingual information for migrants in Danube-region countries on work, education, arrival and stay, health, daily life and language learning. Danube Compass covers Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and four other countries.
*Upcoming Events*
*Prague - IOM Summer School on Migration Studies 2018*
*27/08/2018 10:00*
(Charles University - Faculty of Science, Albertov 6, Prague 2, Big Hall, Czech Republic)
There are still a few spots available for the 2018 IOM Summer School on Migration Studies, organised by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Prague, in cooperation with the Faculty of Science of Charles University in Prague. The summer school will host university students and…Read More
*Berlin - Living with Islamophobia (Internationale Konferenz)*
*11/10/2018 18:00*
(Tag 1: Jüdisches Museum Berlin, Saal der W. M. Blumenthal Akademie, Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 1, 10969 Berlin (gegenüber dem Museum) Tag 2: Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Senatssaal, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin)
Der europaweite Erfolg rechtspopulistischer Parteien schlägt sich seit dem Einzug der Partei Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) in hitzigen Debatten um nationale Sicherheit und restriktive Migrations- und Asylpolitik im deutschen Bundestag nieder. Diskurse der „Unterwanderung" und…Read More
*Bremen - International Conference: Failing Identities, Schools and Migrations - Teaching in (Trans)National Constellations*
*26/10/2018 12:30*
(Universität Bremen, Bibliothekstraße 1, 28359 Bremen)
Internationale Konferenz "Failing Identities, Schools and Migrations - Teaching in (Trans)National Constellations", 26.-28.10.2018 an der Universität Bremen Unter den Bedingungen einer globalisierten Migrationsgesellschaft wird deutlich, dass der Nationalstaat nicht länger die zentrale…Read More
*Porto - International Conference on Interculturalism and Multiculturalism*
*28/03/2019 09:00*
(Centre for Intercultural Studies Office 333 Rua Jaime Lopes Amorim, s/n 4465-004 São Mamede de Infesta Portugal)Registration is now open for the 2019 International Conference on Interculturalism and Multiculturalism. The Conference organised by the Centre for Intercultural Studies of the Oporto Polytechnic Institute will take place on 28, 29 and 30 March 2019 in Porto and will be divided into…
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*Latest News*
*Poland: Tell us your story – contest for migrants*
Are you a migrant living in Poland? Have you come to Poland for work? Did you run away from war or persecution? Or have you simply come to Poland looking for a better life? This contest, organised by the website and the Ocalenie Foundation, gives a platform for migrant individuals in…Read More
*Portugal: Prison officers to receive interculturality training*
On 19 July 2018, the High Commission for Migration (ACM) and the Directorate General for Reintegration and Prisons signed an Inter-institutional Collaboration Protocol with the aim of providing training to prison officers on specific knowledge and tools to communicate in an accessible way with…Read More
*Greece: HOME Project announces scholarships to attend American Community Schools*
The HOME Project, an organisation providing shelter and support to refugee children, has announced a first-of-its-kind initiative to grant 18 young refugees in Greece full-time scholarships to attend American Community Schools of Athens (ACS Athens) during the 2018-2019 academic year. The…Read More
*Slovakia: Improving municipal integration efforts*
Four major non-governmental organisations working in the area of migrant integration in Slovakia—Human Rights League, Centre for the Research of Ethnicity and Culture, Milan Šimečka Foundation and the Marginal—have implemented a new project, KapaCity, focused on improving the…Read More
*Netherlands: Remarks of Dutch foreign minister set off criticism*
Dutch foreign minister Stef Blok was recorded making a series of controversial statements about multiculturalism and multicultural societies, setting off criticism from other politicians. Blok’s statements were made during a private meeting on 10 July 2018 with Dutch citizens working for…Read More
*Deutschland: Historischer Prozess gegen neonazistische terroristische Vereinigung beendet*
Der Nationalsozialistische Untergrund (NSU) war eine deutsche neonazistische terroristische Vereinigung, die um 1999 zur Ermordung von Mitbürgern ausländischer Herkunft aus rassistischen und fremdenfeindlichen Motiven gebildet wurde. Nach dem fünfjährigen NSU-Prozess, der als…Read More
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*Integration Practices Recently Uploaded*
*Magdas Hotel - Refugee integration through hospitality training*
Magdas Hotel in Vienna is run by refugees and tourism professionals. Magdas addresses the problem of labour market integration for refugees by providing refugees with training and employment in the hospitality sector. Because refugees have international backgrounds and can often speak multiple…Read More
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*Latest Funding Information*
*Europe: EPIM funds available to unlock innovative solutions for migrant inclusion*
The European Programme for Integration and Migration (EPIM) has partnered with Impact Hub to identify socially innovative solutions (projects, processes, services, practices) that address inclusion challenges affecting young migrant men (around 18-35 years old) and migrant women with a…Read More
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*Latest Documents*
*National action plan on integration 2018*
During its session of 13 July 2018, the Luxembourg Council of Ministers adopted a new national action plan on integration (PAN 2018) and asked the Minister for Family Affairs and Integration to implement it. The PAN 2018 provides the framework for Luxembourg’s social cohesion programmes…Read More
*The Wages of Fear: Attitudes Towards Refugees and Migrants in Poland*
This report, part of the ‘Empowering Communities in Europe’ initiative of the British Council, concerns attitudes towards migrants and refugees in Poland. The report’s authors examine the legal and factual background of migration in Poland and how the Polish public—and in…Read More
*Situation of foreigners, migration and integration in the Czech Republic 2017*
The report Situation of foreigners, migration and integration in the Czech Republic 2017 details the issue of migration and integration of foreigners in the Czech Republic from the perspective of the Interior Ministry. It compares migration and integration indicators in 2016 with those of…Read More
*Law on the Legal Status of Aliens (2018 Amendment)*
The law ‘On the Legal Status of Aliens’ regulates issues relating to alien legal status in the Republic of Lithuania. The law establishes procedures for entry and exit, temporary and permanent residence, granting of asylum, integration and naturalisation, as well as the procedure for…Read More
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