Annual Overview of International Migration in Central and Eastern Europe - 2009
For the fourth time now, presents brief overviews of developments in the field of migration that have taken place across selected Central and Eastern European states in 2009. Contributions from experts from seven countries help to provide a picture of events in the field of labour migration and asylum in 2009. Each contribution considers the topic of the financial crisis and the extent to which the various prognoses of its effects came true, including the anticipated mass return of migrants or the decrease in remittances. Another prominent theme across the reports is the emergence of important legislative changes (concerning readmission agreements, migrants' access to public education etc.) and changes in the structure of state administrative institutions. Although individual contributions do not provide an exhaustive overview, as a whole they provide the reader with an interesting perspective on the reality of migration in Central and Eastern European countries over this period.
You can visit the "Special section" or click on the names of the countries below.
Czech Republic
9. 3. 10
Téma: Labour Migration