A new Prague shared and devided website

We are proud to present you the new Praha sdílená a rozdělená website, which was funded by the EACEA grant.
The project includes a map with places essential to the multicultural history of the capital:
places that are associated with the German and Jewish minorities and foreigners living here today. You can also find our latest guided walks on the map: Liberated Theatre (Osvobozené divadlo),
rescuers from Nazism (Zachránci před nacismem) and literary guided walk “Following the footsteps Kafka's Description of a Struggle” (Po stopách Kafkova Popisu jednoho zápasu).
You can see the website here: https://praha.mkc.cz/
19. 3. 19
Zdroj: migrationonline.cz
Země: Czech Republic