
The website for critical discussion about migration in Central and Eastern Europe.
29. 1. 07
Otevřená platforma. Texty nemusí vyjadřovat stanovisko redakce.

Trade Union Guide for Migrant Workers

The Trade Union Congress produced a guide for migrant workers, tackling the most frequently asked questions and providing the information they deemed necessary to help labour migrants succeed in the UK labour market.

The TUC is formed from around 70 affiliated unions representing around 7 million working people in the UK. It is not affiliated with the government, employers or any political party. The Trade Union Congress meets once a year for four days where its members decide upon the direction of its work for the following year.

The TUC produced the report to help migrant workers in the UK who they felt were being exploited. Part of the reason for their exploitation was believed to be the lack of knowledge of employment regulations in the UK.

The publication is a brief overview of the perceived most important aspects of the employment rules as well as useful contacts for migrant workers. It is available in electronic and paper format in Czech, English, Estonian, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Russian, Slovak, French and Spanish.

The contents of the 16 page publication are:
Welcome to the UK.
Starting work in the UK
National Insurance and tax
Worker or employee?
Your rights as a worker
Working time rights
Health and safety protection
Protection from discrimination
Union membership
Special rights for agency workers
Additional rights for employees
Enforcing your rights
More help and information
Unions today - your friend at work

29. 1. 07
V této sekci budeme rádi publikovat vaše texty týkající se aktuálního dění v oblasti migrace. Texty musí být ucelené a v rozsahu 1 až 3 normostrany. Texty v sekci „komentáře“ nejsou striktně žánrově vymezené, mohou být například reakcí na politické dění nebo popisem osobní zkušenosti. Publikované texty nemusí souhlasit s názory redakce. Pokud však vyjadřují rasistické či jinak diskriminační postoje nebo nesplňují základní předpoklady formální kvality, nebudou publikovány. Přečtěte si informace pro autory. Kontaktní adresa pro sekci komentářů je na migraceonline@mkc.cz.
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