
The website for critical discussion about migration in Central and Eastern Europe.
23. 9. 05
Dumitru Sandu
Zdroj: migrationonline.cz

Dumitru Sandu: Patterns of temporary emigration: experiences and intentions at individual and community levels

This paper by prof. Dumitru Sandu from Bucharest University examines the patterns of temporary emigration from Romania after 2000. It is a multilevel and multi-capital analysis. Community patterns are the most structured ones but they are context bound. The relationship between community profiles and migration characteristics are a different function of the regional context: emigration patterns are context bounded (work emigration is favored by rural residence in Moldova but in Transylvania has a higher probability for city dwellers; life satisfaction plays differently for work vs nonwork intentions to emigrate, etc.).

A five-class typology of communities from the migration point of views allow for capturing basic patterns of community ! selectivity (as opposed to individual selectivity) of temporary emigration.

There are clear sign for the existence of different cultures of (e)migration: community structure of emigration seems to be better structured than the regional culture of these phenomena; Moldova, by its more developed communes, is one of the very few regions of the country with a well structured culture of migration; Transylvania is the favored place for nonwork migration, and the South regions are the locus for low temporary emigration. Policy implications are derived from analysis.

The paper relies on large census and survey data that support reciprocally in a multilevel approach.

This paper was presented at the Workshop on Developments and Patterns of Migration Processes in Central and Eastern Europe, 25 to 27 August 2005 in Prague.

23. 9. 05
Zdroj: migrationonline.cz

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