
The website for critical discussion about migration in Central and Eastern Europe.
12. 12. 09
Zdroj: migrationonline.cz

Bridge IT

This European project Bridge IT is a partnership project of Multicultural Center Prague. The aim of the project is raising awareness and exchange of good practises in the area of integration of immigrants through information technologies. The project is focused on 3 areas of integration - civil society, labour and education. The project has 25 partners from a whole Europe; the main coordinator is University of Barcelona.

Activities of the project

  • Social network on the Internet – Bridge IT

  • Booklet of good practises of integration of immigrants through information technologies

  • Guideline how to integrate immigrants through information technologies

  • International seminars

  • National seminars

  • Final Conference

Duration of project: December 2008 – December 2010

The project is supported by European Commission.

Coordinator of project in the Czech Republic: Barbora Tošnerová
Phone: 00420 296 325 345

E-mail: mise@mkc.cz

12. 12. 09
Zdroj: migrationonline.cz
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