
The website for critical discussion about migration in Central and Eastern Europe.

Protecting Mobility through Improving Labour Rights Enforcement in Europe (PROMO)

There is widespread recognition among unions, researchers and several institutions that worker protection regulation for posted workers in the European Union is seriously inadequate. Problems include an epidemic of wage theft, the growth of a grey economy of labour intermediaries, violations of trade union rights, and social security fraud. Thus, while intra-EU labour mobility brings job opportunities to millions, taking advantage of the EU labour citizenship to its full extent, often puts workers in precarious conditions.

About the project:

In this context, the European Commission funded project ‘Protecting Mobility through Improving Labour Rights Enforcement in Europe’ aims to enhance administrative cooperation and information sharing between relevant stakeholders engaged with posting of workers to strengthen protection of labour rights and enforcement of labour standards.

The project activities aim to 1) bring together researchers and practitioners to make policy-relevant the academic research on worker posting; 2) improve cooperation between worker protection systems; 3) improve union rights and HRM systems for posted workers; and 4) improve quantitative information collection on posted work. Actions involve series of workshops and conferences that bring together researchers, representatives of labour inspectorates, social partners and other relevant actors, and writing a series of policy oriented publications.

The project is funded within the framework of European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation and is carried out between January 2017 and December 2018. In addition to the Multicultural Centre Prague, the project consortium also includes University of Jyväskylä (Finland) – coordinator of the project, the University of Padova (Italy), Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research (Norway), SOLIDAR (Belgium) and FORBA -Forschungs- und Beratungsstelle Arbeitswelt (Austria).

Duration: 1/2017 – 12/2018                                                                                                         

Donor: EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI)

Partners: University of Jyväskylä, University of Padova, Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research, SOLIDAR, FORBA - Forschungs- und Beratungsstelle Arbeitswelt

Project coordinator: Hedvika Janečková, hedvika.janeckova@mkc.cz


Chain liability as a mechanism for strengthening the rights of posted workers. The German chain liability model

Changing Regulations, Changing Practices? The Case of the German Meat Industry

Protection of Posted Workers in the European Union: Findings and Policy Recommendations based on existing research

Transnational Monitoring and Enforcement of Posted Work: The Case of Czech Republic

Transnational Cooperation among Labour Regulation Enforcement

Protection of Posted Workers in the European Union: Findings and Policy Recommendations based on existing research

SOLIDAR website

PROMO is funded by the European Commission and organised by a consortium led by the University of Jyväskylä, Finland and including University of Padova, Italy, Multicultural Center Prague, Czech Republic, Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research, Norway, SOLIDAR, Belgium, and Forschungs- und Beratungsstelle Arbeitswelt FORBA, Austria.

Project outputs:

Modern European Guest Workers? Problematic aspects of posting workers and the new Posted Workers Directive

Modern European Guest Workers? Problematic aspects of posting workers and the new Posted Workers Directive

31. 7. 18 Michal Trčka

Since the nineteen nineties posting of workers onto the European market has proven problematic as it involves intensive exploitation as well as a variety of unfair practices.  In May 2018 the final form of the directive that aims to eradicate the maj...

Czech and migrant workers as a cheap labour? Precarious conditions of workers posted to other countries in EU.

Czech and migrant workers as a cheap labour? Precarious conditions of workers posted to other countries in EU.

30. 7. 18

Do you know what is posting of workers? What problems are most commonly connected to posting? Do these problems affect Czech workers as well? And what are peculiarities of temporary labour migration from Ukraine to Czech Republic?Labour MigrationEU Ukraine Czech Republicprojects

How do we better enforce migrant workers’ labour rights? Labour inspectorates must work together, experts agreed

How do we better enforce migrant workers’ labour rights? Labour inspectorates must work together, experts agreed

29. 12. 17

Press Release, Prague, December 11, 2017

Working six days per week, twelve hours per day, lack of possibilities to negotiate even an unpaid leave or lacking health and social insurance. These are the working conditions faced by some migrant workers in the European Union. Even in the Czech Republic, the labour market has been undergoing restructuralization towa...

Work and residence permits Labour MigrationEU Ukraine Czech Republicprojects
Strengthening Trans/national Cooperation among Labour Standards Enforcement Agencies in Europe:  Challenges and Opportunities

Strengthening Trans/national Cooperation among Labour Standards Enforcement Agencies in Europe: Challenges and Opportunities

27. 10. 17

We are delighted to invite you to the conference “Strengthening Trans/national Cooperation among Labour Standards Enforcement Agencies in Europe: Challenges and Opportunities” hosted under the auspices of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic in Prague on 24 - 25 November 2017.