
The website for critical discussion about migration in Central and Eastern Europe.

Za lepší přeshraniční vymáhání pracovního práva (STRONGLAB)

Pracovní trhy zemí V4 se v poslední době potýkají s nárůstem pracovní migrace z Ukrajiny a jiných evropských států. I přesto, že je pracovní migrace tématem veskrze mezinárodním, přeshraniční spolupráce nejen inspektorátů práce, ale také nevládních neziskových organizací a odborových organizací není příliš velká. Výzkum a zkušenosti nevládních organizací asistující migrujícím pracovnicím a pracovníkům nicméně poukazují na časté případy porušování pracovních práv, které mají přeshraniční rozměr, proto je třeba rozsah těchto aktivit rozšířit.

About the project:

In this context, the project “Towards stronger transnational labour enforcement cooperation on labour migration” aims to strengthen cooperation and experience sharing among labour inspections, NGOs and other actors providing assistance to migrant workers to strengthen protection of labour rights and enforcement of labour standards.

The project activities aim to analyse patterns of labour migration and rights violations of migrant workers in the V4 countries focusing on Ukraine as a sending country. Country-specific reports will fill gaps by providing up-to-date information on labour rights violations and possible remedies. They will also provide insight into the shady role of intermediary practices in recruiting which often lead to the exploitation of migrant workers. At the national level, the project aims to strengthen cooperation among labour inspections, NGOs and other actors providing assistance to migrant workers. In Ukraine, the involvement of new actors in support of migrant workers will be sought. At the international level, the project aims to create forum for experience sharing of good practices and joint action.

The project is funded by the International Visegrad Fund and by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and is carried out between February 2017 and July 2018. In addition to the Multicultural Centre Prague, the project consortium also includes Fundacja "Nasz Wybór" (Poland), Centrum pre výskum etnicity a kultúry (Slovakia), AnBlokk Kultúra- és Társadalomtudományi (Hungary) and Charitable Foundation "Zaporuka" (Ukraine).

Duration of the project: 01/02/2017—31/07/2018

Donor: International Visegrad Fund and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Fundacja "Nasz Wybór"
Centrum pre výskum etnicity a kultúry
AnBlokk Kultúra- és Társadalomtudományi
Charitable Foundation "Zaporuka"

Leading partner of the project: Multicultural Center Prague

Project coordinator: Hedvika Janečková, hedvika.janeckova@mkc.cz


Project is funded by The Visegrad Fund and by The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. www.visegradfund.org, www.minbuza.nl.

Project outputs:

Modern European Guest Workers? Problematic aspects of posting workers and the new Posted Workers Directive

Modern European Guest Workers? Problematic aspects of posting workers and the new Posted Workers Directive

31. 7. 18 Michal Trčka

Since the nineteen nineties posting of workers onto the European market has proven problematic as it involves intensive exploitation as well as a variety of unfair practices.  In May 2018 the final form of the directive that aims to eradicate the maj...

Czech and migrant workers as a cheap labour? Precarious conditions of workers posted to other countries in EU.

Czech and migrant workers as a cheap labour? Precarious conditions of workers posted to other countries in EU.

30. 7. 18

Do you know what is posting of workers? What problems are most commonly connected to posting? Do these problems affect Czech workers as well? And what are peculiarities of temporary labour migration from Ukraine to Czech Republic?Labour MigrationEU Ukrajina Česká republikaprojects

Polish trade unions and migrant workers: a need for cooperation

Polish trade unions and migrant workers: a need for cooperation

Polish trade unionists have already realized the presence of a significant number of foreign workers in the country and are ready to help them. But there are several problems ahead: migrants need legal advice rather than trade union inte...

Work and residence permits Labour MigrationPolskoarticles
Press release: Country studies reveal common labour rights violations and possibilities of enforcing migrant workers’ rights in the Visegrad countries.

Press release: Country studies reveal common labour rights violations and possibilities of enforcing migrant workers’ rights in the Visegrad countries.

6. 6. 18

New research focusing on the patterns of wide-spread Ukrainian labour migration to Visegard Group (V4) countries unveils a common trend of  unfavourable working conditions for migrant workers. Labour rights violations, precarious employment and substandard wo...

Work and residence permits Labour MigrationUkrajina Slovensko Česká republika Polsko Maďarsko
What bothers migrant workers the most? Unpaid wages, reveals unique research on Ukrainian workers with Polish visa

What bothers migrant workers the most? Unpaid wages, reveals unique research on Ukrainian workers with Polish visa

31. 1. 18

We are proud to present you with results of our research “Towards stronger transnational labour enforcement cooperation on labour migration” (STRONGLAB). The main output of the research are five country reports giving an insights into patterns of labour migration and rights violations of migrant workers.

Work and residence permits Undocumented Migration and Regularisation Labour MigrationUkrajina Slovensko Česká republika Polsko Maďarskoresearch reports and studies
How do we better enforce migrant workers’ labour rights? Labour inspectorates must work together, experts agreed

How do we better enforce migrant workers’ labour rights? Labour inspectorates must work together, experts agreed

29. 12. 17

Press Release, Prague, December 11, 2017

Working six days per week, twelve hours per day, lack of possibilities to negotiate even an unpaid leave or lacking health and social insurance. These are the working conditions faced by some migrant workers in the European Union. Even in the Czech Republic, the labour market has been undergoing restructuralization towa...

Work and residence permits Labour MigrationEU Ukrajina Česká republikaprojects

Press release: The new MKC Prague project seeks better enforcement of labor law across borders

20. 6. 17 Michal Trčka

On 28 and 29 April, the first meeting of the international project that responds to an increase in labor migration to Central Europe took place in Prague. Its participants were experts and representatives of non-governmental organizations from the Visegrad Group countries and Ukraine.

Labour MigrationEU Ukrajina Česká republika Polskoprojects